Storytelling CoachinG


Speaking engagements

EST. 2021

Los Angeles, CA

  • Story Coaching for the non-writer

    Storypathy was founded by Christina Igaraividez during the pandemic as a response to help people get out of their head and onto the page.

    If you’ve ever heard that tiny, whisper of a voice telling you that you need write your story but you just need some help - storytelling coaching might be for you.

    Don’t let another day pass by wondering who could’ve been helped by hearing your story.

    Check out why Christina will stop at nothing until you release your story:

    About Christina

two young women standing laughing to each other
mini australian shepherd


natural born


Let’s get


Let’s get clear.

Why do Storytelling Coaching?

It all starts with story. For real.

Write that book

Rock that keynote speech

Get clear on your script

Publish that personal essay

Win over people with your words

Storytelling coaching is writing coaching that helps you get focused and get to the root of what the story is REALLY about. Let’s breakdown the events and figure out what we truly want to say. All the principles you will learn along the way can be applied to any platform.

Our Ethos

Storytelling is the fundamental tradition that sets us apart from any other species - our ability to share knowledge, values and perspective order to connect with one another and to pass on important lessons. It also creates something that we need now more than ever:


Founded by: Christina Igaraividez

What People Are Saying

  • Lidia, Small Business Owner

    “The sessions I have had with Christina have been priceless , the amount of valuable and tangible information that I can utilize for my business compares to nothing. I have paid top dollar for business coaches and unfortunately haven’t received a third of the value Christina has shared with me. She literally has solutions and feedback that come from and infinite stream of consciousness. She’s wonderful to work with, I was drawn to how hilarious she is but honestly its her authenticity that keeps me coming back for more of her sessions.”

  • Matt, Writer

    “Christina is an engaging storyteller and a fantastic coach! Her expert guidance helped shape my writing from a linear story to a deeply personal journey. Christina shares solid structure and proven storytelling tips to transform the kernel of an idea into a fully fleshed out story that comes to life. I would highly recommend!”

  • Sona, Head of Sales

    “Christina brought such amazing presence, energy and just acceptance of the content we were producing and delivering week after week. It’s been a long time since I have been in an environment that felt nurturing and so safe to express ideas and thoughts freely and I thank her for setting the tone for the class but also guiding us through the writing.”

  • Valerie, Founder + CFP

    “The one-on-one coaching with Christina was instrumental in me getting really clear on my story for my practice. By building out my "Why" through different exercises with her, it made my website copy come to life and helped me define my 30-second story to the media and potential clients. Thank you, Christina!”

  • Joey, Professional Athlete

    “Beginning last year (2022), Christina and I have worked together on various writing projects. She has provided me with the essential tenants of storytelling and challenged me to become a more diligent and patient editor. She has been a joy to work with, and I look forward to working with her in the future.”